St. Catherine's Manor
Large Scale Additions
Guildford, Surrey
2019 - 2023
Design Team
Crafted Architects

At St Catherine's Manor care home in Guildford, Surrey, the elegance of its Georgian core and Victorian additions set a high standard for the proposed new work. The proposals comprise further additions for 18 new bedrooms and communal space; the enlarged building will house 50 bedrooms, a size that allows operational efficiency.
The scale of the new work relates directly to that of the existing, while deferring to it in its layout and in the height of key elements including the eaves and ridge heights.
The site has generous grounds which lie within an AONB.

The front of the home is orientated South, wiht the Victorian bay windows facing to the (side) garden to the West. The extension is separated by a glazed link as seen above, which will more clearly define the separation between the new and old and bring light into the stairwell that occupies this position in the plan.